
iGaming Business: Land Ahoy! But only just…

Written by Dr Wulf Hambach, Dr Stefan Bolay and Dr Stefanie Fuchs, Hambach & Hambach for iGamingBusiness.com Last week’s Minister-President Conference saw Germany make a decisive move towards a total overhaul of the country’s gambling regulations following years of legal disputes and failed progress. Wulf Hambach, Stefan Bolay and Stefanie Fuchs of leading German law…


ZfWG (Summary): Die Geschichte des „versteckten Einsatzes“ vom „Gratis-Roulette“ über das „Brillianten-Bingo“ zur „Wetter-Wette“

– Annotations on BVerwG, judgment of 9 July 2014 – 8 C 7.13 –, ZfWG 2014, 398 – By Dr. Stefan Bolay, ZfWG 2014, S. 394 f. Summary The German Federal Administrative Court (Bundesverwaltungsgericht – BVerwG) had to address the question as to whether a socalled “weather forecast bet” as a sales promotion of a furniture…


Commentary on Betting and Gaming Law in the Media

Ed. Streinz/Liesching/Hambach, Authors of Hambach & Hambach: Dr. Wulf Hambach, Claus Hambach, LL.M., Dr. Stefan Bolay, Yasmin Sirch, Maximilian Riege, Dr. Bernd Berberich, Alexander Pfütze, LL.M. 1st edition 2014, published by Verlag C. H. Beck, Munich The New Gaming Law Regime  has been in force since 2012. It has partially liberalised the gaming market and…


WOGLR: Schleswig-Holstein v 15 states: the legal battle turns political

By Dr. Wulf Hambach and Dr. Stefan Bolay, published in WOGLR, October 2011 issue 10 The German State of Schleswig-Holstein recently approved a liberal gambling law, ignoring the wish of the 15 other federal states to agree on a new Interstate Treaty on Gambling (ITG), which advocates tight gambling regulation and a limited number of…