
Commentary on Betting and Gaming Law in the Media

Ed. Streinz/Liesching/Hambach,

Authors of Hambach & Hambach: Dr. Wulf Hambach, Claus Hambach, LL.M., Dr. Stefan Bolay, Yasmin Sirch, Maximilian Riege, Dr. Bernd Berberich, Alexander Pfütze, LL.M.

1st edition 2014,

published by Verlag C. H. Beck, Munich

The New Gaming Law Regime 

has been in force since 2012. It has partially liberalised the gaming market and relaxed the state monopoly on gaming. In future, up to 20 (online) licences are intended to be issued (also) for providers of sports bets. In addition, 48 new online gaming licences from Schleswig-Holstein are also considered. The new commentary explains all provisions with relevance for betting and gaming law in the media, in particular, with a focus on private gaming offers in broadcasting and telemedia.

The Editors 

Prof. Dr. Rudolf Streinz, Prof. Dr. Marc Liesching, RA and Dr. Wulf Hambach, RA and all authors are reputed experts in gaming law, through practical experience and scientific publications.

Up-To-Date Practical Solutions

can above all be found by corporate counsel and lawyers advising gaming providers. Responsible officials at supervisory, regulatory and public prosecution authorities as well as judges and university lecturers will also profit from this work.

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