
EGL: ECJ judgment in Carmen Media case causes legal chaos in Germany

Article by Dr. Wulf Hambach commissioned for and published in European Gaming Lawyer magazine Autumn issue 2010. 01.10.2010 The ECJ’s judgments on the Carmen Media case on September 8 have plunged the German gambling market into legal chaos, as they found that Germany’s regulations did not limit games of chance in a consistent and systematic…


WOGLR: The legality of ’50 cent’ gambling

published in WorldOnlineGamblingLawReport, issue 08/09 By Dr. Wulf Hambach and Susanna Münstermann A regional court in Germany recently ruled that an online raffle was an illegal ‘game of chance’, even though its participation fee was 50 cents – which makes the online raffle admissible under the German Interstate Broadcast Treaty (RStV). Dr. Wulf Hambach and Susanna Münstermann,…


iGamingBusiness: Germany and the Inter-State Treaty

By Dr. Wulf Hambach and Susanna Münstermann, published in iGamingBusiness, issue May/June 2009 The Inter-State Treaty on Gambling and the implementation of the prohibition of gambling on the worldwide web – nothing is (im) possible… (…)  Download the complete article here