
WOGLR: “German state plans to pull out of interstate gambling treaty”

Published by WorldOnlineGamblingLawReport The German State of Schleswig-Holstein called this month for the cancellation of a German interstate gambling treaty – the Interstate Treaty on Lotteries (ITL) – that outlaws online gambling in all of Germany’s 16 states. The local ruling coalition, consisting of Angela Merkel’s Christian-Democratic Party (CDU) and the Liberal Party (FDP), has…


WOGLR: The legality of ’50 cent’ gambling

published in WorldOnlineGamblingLawReport, issue 08/09 By Dr. Wulf Hambach and Susanna Münstermann A regional court in Germany recently ruled that an online raffle was an illegal ‘game of chance’, even though its participation fee was 50 cents – which makes the online raffle admissible under the German Interstate Broadcast Treaty (RStV). Dr. Wulf Hambach and Susanna Münstermann,…


iGamingBusiness: Germany and the Inter-State Treaty

By Dr. Wulf Hambach and Susanna Münstermann, published in iGamingBusiness, issue May/June 2009 The Inter-State Treaty on Gambling and the implementation of the prohibition of gambling on the worldwide web – nothing is (im) possible… (…)  Download the complete article here