
Commentary on Betting and Gaming Law in the Media

Ed. Streinz/Liesching/Hambach, Authors of Hambach & Hambach: Dr. Wulf Hambach, Claus Hambach, LL.M., Dr. Stefan Bolay, Yasmin Sirch, Maximilian Riege, Dr. Bernd Berberich, Alexander Pfütze, LL.M. 1st edition 2014, published by Verlag C. H. Beck, Munich The New Gaming Law Regime  has been in force since 2012. It has partially liberalised the gaming market and…


Germany: The hottest candidate for infringement proceedings?

By Dr. Wulf Hambach and Maximilian Riege, published in World Online Gambling Law Report (WOGLR) issue March 2013 p 6 -7 The complexities created by the existence of two contradictory gaming regulations in Germany are rife – for example ‘online poker’: a game of skill or a game of chance? – licensed and banned at…


BGH Refers German Gambling Regulations to the ECJ

This is a translation of the article “BGH legt deutsche Glücksspielregulierung dem EuGH vor” written by Dr. Wulf Hambach, Maximilian Riege published at  http://www.lto.de/recht/hintergruende/h/bgh-beschluss-i-zr-17110-gluecksspielregulierung-vorlage-eugh-staatsvertrag-schleswig-holstein/ Not only the Commission, but also the BGH now has its doubts regarding the German gambling system. Does the special act in Schleswig-Holstein on its own render void the inter-state treaty between…


LTO: EU-Aktionsplan zum Online-Glücksspiel – Deutschland pokert mit hohem Risiko

von Dr. Wulf Hambach, Maximilian Riege, veröffentlicht in Legal Tribune ONLINE, http://www.lto.de/persistant/a_id/7393/ Online-Poker kennt keine nationalen Grenzen. Deshalb nimmt sich EU-Binnenmarkt-Kommissar Barnier mit seinem am Montag vorgestellten “Aktionsplan zum Online-Glücksspiel” des Themas an. Er fordert mehr Verbraucherschutz und Kooperation zwischen den Mitgliedstaaten. Dass der deutsche Glücksspielstaatsvertrag den europäischen Vorstellungen entspricht, bezweifeln Wulf Hambach und Maximilian Riege. Den vollständigen…


WOGLR: Confused: the state of online gambling in Germany

By Dr. Wulf Hambach and Maximilian Riege, Hambach & Hambach, published in World Online Gambling Law Report – August 2012 The German online gaming market is in a state of transition following the newly elected coalition government in Schleswig-Holstein and the recently enacted Interstate Treaty. The situation in Germany is far from clear in regards to…


iGB: A new dawn in Germany

By Dr. Wulf Hambach and Maximilian Riege, Hambach & Hambach, published in iGamingBusiness, issue 74, May/June 2012, p. 19 – 20 Dr. Wulf Hambach and Maximilian Riege of Hambach and Hambach explore the dawn of a new age for online gambling in Germany as Brussels looks at the country’s gaming law landscape For several months,…


GIQ: German states could be ready to embrace Schleswig-Holstein

By Wulf Hambach and Maximilian Riege, Hambach & Hambach, published in GIQ, April – June 2012, Q1 News Review, page 44 30.04.2012 THE EU COMMISSION continues to block the new state treaty. The first draft had already fallen through with a big bang. Brussels did not hold back with its criticism either – in spite…


Brussels stops revision of German gaming law

By Dr. Wulf Hambach, Maximilian Riege The EU Commission continues to block the planned revision of gaming law. The first draft for a new inter-state treaty had already fallen through with a big bang and, in its reaction to the revised draft which was published on Tuesday, Brussels does not hold back with its criticism…