
ZfWG: Aktive behördliche Duldung schließt als hinreichende strafrechtliche Legitimationsbasis den Tatbestand des § 284 Abs.1 StGB aus

By Dr. Bernd Berberich, Hambach & Hambach Law Firm, published in ZfWG 3/14, p. 312 f

Due to the administrative-accessory nature of Sec. 284 Par.1 German Criminal Code (Strafgesetzbuch ‘StGB’), also an active forbearance by the competent authority can unfold a sufficient administrative legal basis. To this extent, it is to be examined from both a factual and a legal point of view whether the overall conduct of the authority can be considered a sufficient regulatory impact regarding a forbearance on the surface. If this is the case, Sec. 284 Par. StGB is already ruled out as a matter of fact. A criminal liability can then not be justified, especially since criminal law with its far-reaching sanctions may not ‘overtake’ administrative law considering its administrative-accessory nature.

Please find the complete article in German here