
TIME Law News 2 | 2013

Latest developments in German and International Law of the TIME-Industries Telecommunication – IT – Media & Entertainment


  1. Sports, Betting, Online Poker & Co.: 1. Social Networks, Social Games and Gambling Monetizing the German market – top or flop?
  2. Coherency in German Gaming Law: A Legal Discussion
  3. World Regulatory Briefing met in Germany – Where were the German gambling regulators?
  4. “Big Data“ – Big Compliance?
  5. The Case for Sports Betting Operators in Germany to Reclaim Taxes – Why the notification procedure of sec. 17 para. 2 no. 2 Horse Betting and Lottery Act may be insufficient –
  6. Taxation of Online Gambling in Germany
  7. In-House News
  8. Editorial details

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