
iGB: European Legal Outlook 2013 – Germany

By Dr. Wulf Hambach, published in iGamingBusiness, issue 77, November/December 2012

Hope and fear for the online gambling industry – the EU has to intervene…

The European gambling market remains a regulatory construction site, and Germany is anything but innocent in this regard. Whilst large parts of Europe have in the mean time passed modern gambling acts geared towards competitiveness and player protection, the German federal states have shifted into reverse gear by amending the inter-state treaty on gambling (1.GlüÄndStV, or E-15-model) that wil be adopted by at least 15 of the 16 federal states; up to now , the state gambling act initiated by the CDU and FDP is still effective in Schleswig-Holstein – an act which industry experts consider to be a milestone as, among other issues, it regulates both the online poker and online casino market.


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